Confused about fasting?

My FREE guide makes this amazing lifestyle easy to understand!

Fasting 101: Start Your First FastĀ 
In LESS Than 4 Minutes

Discover the EXACT strategies Iā€™ve used with 100,000+ women to burn annoying fat,Ā revive long-lost energy, and reset female hormones

If you havenā€™t started fasting because you feel lost in a sea of informationā€¦

I get it.

There are COUNTLESS books, articles, podcasts, and videos where experts discuss the fasting lifestyle.

But with so many conflicting thoughts and ideasā€¦

You may feel like pulling your hair out in frustration because you STILL havenā€™t got a clear answer about the right way to start fasting for your unique body.

Thatā€™s why I created
ā€œFasting 101ā€

This is my FREE 11-page guide that strips fasting back to the raw fundamentals.

Fasting 101 is simple, easy-to-understand, and you can read the entire guide in under 4 minutes!

Youā€™ll discover the fasting strategies that have helped literally hundreds of thousands of women trim excess fat from their stomachsā€¦

Unlock boundless energyā€¦

And enjoy stronger relationships with their families and friends by feeling ā€œthemselvesā€ again!

So if youā€™re ready to STOP feeling confused and overwhelmed about starting your very first fastā€¦

Grab your FREE copy of Fasting 101 right NOW:

Youā€™ll discover:
  • THREE essential tools for EASY fastingā€¦ Download these for FREE on your smartphone in seconds! (page 2)
  • The TWO measurements you must track if you want to guarantee youā€™re burning stubborn body fat (page 2)
  • How to KILL HUNGER and stop a grumbling stomach sabotaging your fast (page 4)
  • My favorite strategy to build more muscleā€¦ A proven way to spark a lightning-quick metabolism and burn MORE unwanted fat šŸ”„(page 4)
  • My fast-breaking secrets for improved gut healthā€¦ SUPER important if you struggle with digestive issues (page 4)
  • My ā€œWhat Breaks A Fastā€ formulaā€¦ This is my sneaky trick that shows you how to eat and drink while fasting WITHOUT being pulled from a fasting state (page 6)
  • The critical WARNING sign that you MUST break your fast immediately (NOTE: I donā€™t believe in ā€˜one-size-fits-allā€™ fasting formulasā€¦ And this is an important example of how I teach individualized fasting plans) (page 9)

Hey! Iā€™m Dr. Mindyā€¦

And I Want To Show You How ToĀ 

EASILY Get Started On A Fasting Lifestyle

In the last 20 years, Iā€™ve whittled down the fasting lifestyle into easy-to-understand principlesā€¦

Which is how Iā€™ve successfully helped over 100,000 women across the world balance their hormones, burn stubborn fat, and finally feel ā€œat peaceā€ with their bodies.

And now I want to share these principles with YOU.

Iā€™m on a mission to make fasting as easy as possible for every woman on the planetā€¦

And Fasting 101 is the PERFECT starting point.

Fasting 101 reveals the fundamentals used by women from all walks of lifeā€¦ From Academy Award-Winning actresses to stay-at-home moms.

By using fasting to unlock their bodyā€™s natural healing powersā€¦Ā 

These incredible women finally regained control of their livesā€¦ And stopped feeling at the mercy of their hormones.

Ready to take charge of your mind and body?

Complete the form below to instantly access Fasting 101 for FREE ā€“Ā Ā