Exhausted Moms And Career Women
Who Are In Despair With Weight Loss…

Unlock My “Vault” Of Fasting Secrets That Can Shed Inches From Your Waistline, Restore Youthful Energy, And Help You Shine With Confidence

Thanks to the fasting lifestyle… Women who were once sick and tired of struggling to burn even 1lb of fat… 

Now have slim figures that look stunning in their favorite outfits… An abundance of energy to give to their family and career… And never worry about feeling unattractive to their partner…

Read this page to discover how the fasting lifestyle can help you upgrade your life too!

Weight loss is one heck of a frustrating journey, right??

You carefully prep each meal… Ensuring you stick to your absurdly-low calorie targets…

You squeeze workouts into the precious little time you have each day… Sometimes waking up before sunrise to go for a run or join a group fitness class at your local gym…

You triumph over brutally vicious sweet cravings that attack you from nowhere… Despite the fierce battles you never give in to sugar…

But what do you see when you look in the mirror?

The exact same body as 2 months before.

Perhaps you’ve even tried fasting… And religiously monitored your blood glucose and ketone levels to make sure you’re obeying the principles…

Yet your thighs, hips, and tummy are still covered by an annoying layer of fat that just won’t budge.

But you can finally stop pulling your hair out every time you see your reflection…

Because in a short moment, I’m going to reveal how you can…

Get your hands on my locked-away fasting secrets that will kick your fat-burning hormones into action 🔥

I’ve helped thousands of women who once felt exactly like you do right now rebalance their hormones using the power of fasting…

And make their weight loss frustrations a thing of the past!

These same beautiful women now show off slimmer figures and flaunt stunning outfits that were “too tight” for years… Self-confidence is at an all-time high and they’ve never felt happier!

My fasting secrets won’t just help you
trim off those stubborn 10-20lbs…

Restoring hormonal balance will help you sink into a deep, blissful sleep every night… And start every morning with 100% battery.

No more reaching for the snooze button with half-shut eyes the second your alarm rings…

Instead you leap out of bed feeling completely refreshed and revitalized.

As for the soul-draining “energy slumps” that strike late morning and mid-afternoon?

Gone for good!

Can you imagine how this newfound energy could help you??

Maybe you’d channel the enhanced productivity into your career…

Or if you’re a Supermom who manages a busy household…

More energy could help you look after your children… And enjoy thrilling “after-hours” time with your partner 😉

I’ll tell you how you can access my secrets shortly

Which will also help you to –

  • Elevate your metabolism and burn fat 24/7… Yes! You can turn your body into a fat-burning machine no matter your age!
  • Banish horrible “brain fog”... No more slow and fuzzy thinking… Enjoy razor-sharp focus that lasts all day!
  • Build more resilience to stress… Don’t let your emotions boil over because of the “little things”
  • Revive waning energy levels… No longer operate on only 5% battery level… Enjoy all-day energy to complete all your daily tasks, look after your family… And still have plenty leftover to look after yourself
  • Detoxify harmful energy-sapping toxins… Support your body’s detoxification pathways… And eliminate the toxins responsible for killing your mood
  • Fortify your immune system… Safely and naturally strengthen your body’s first line of defense against infections… And enjoy peak health all year round
  • Rewind your “body clock”... Say goodbye to fine lines and wrinkles… And knock years off your appearance!

But first, let me introduce myself –

Hey! I’m Dr. Mindy And I’m An Expert In
Women’s Health And Fasting

In the last 20 years, I’ve helped over 100,000 women use a fasting lifestyle to crush their weight loss frustrations once and for all.

See, my research revealed that the human body evolved on fasting…

And when you introduce the same habits used by our ancestors… Not only do you initiate your body’s natural healing mechanisms… But you prime your fat-burning hormones so they’re ready to kick butt!

But how did hormones become unbalanced in the first place?

High-stress lifestyles, low-quality food choices, man-made toxins, and chaotic sleep patterns are proven hormone disruptors…

And when your female hormones are in turmoil…

No diet or exercise plan will work.

It doesn’t matter if your friends, colleagues, or family members have followed the same program and achieved incredible results…

If there’s a disorder amongst your hormones… The same plan won’t make a difference to your beautiful body.

And that’s why I LOVE the fasting lifestyle.

Fasting hits your
hormonal “reset button”

This can rapidly spike your metabolism… And start shedding the fat off every inch of your body.

Plus, I teach women additional lifestyle tips and tricks to help correct the root causes of unbalanced hormones in the first place.

I show women how to purge hideous toxins and chemicals that blunt hormone production…

I have tried-and-tested strategies that help women fall asleep the second their head hits the pillow every night…

And my food and nutrient recommendations help women avoid the crazy hormone fluctuations that occur as part of their monthly cycles.

Do other weight loss plans do that?

I’ve never seen one!

But today I’m super excited… Because I’m going to share with you everything I’ve discovered over my whole career

When you begin fasting and eat how your body was designed to eat…

You’ll quickly discover how much better you’ll feel –

  • Stress hormones plummet
  • Hunger and cravings vanish
  • “Brain fog” clears
  • PMS symptoms disappear

And most excitingly of all…

The clingy body fat that’s lingered on your waist, hips, and tummy for years finally evaporates!

Now, whether you’ve tried fasting before… Or you’re still researching all you can about this incredible lifestyle…

There’s something important you need to know –

Not All Fasting Plans
Are Equal

Most fasting plans are created with men in mind… And don’t take into account the complexities of the female body.

So after helping literally thousands of female patients restore hormonal balance…

I started documenting everything I did to help these women flatten their tummies, regain their youthful energy, and reverse the effects of aging on their bodies…

Since basic female fasting concepts were essentially unknown to women at the time.

Crazy, right??

Before long, I’d amassed a mountain of life-changing courses, protocols, tips, and tricks that could help practically any woman –

Optimize deep sleep…

Unlock brand new immunity…

Master menopause…

And plenty more!

I now HAD to make this critical fasting information

available to NON-patients

You see, the topics I delve into are nothing short of life-changing.

Let me give you an example…

If you’re one of the unfortunate women who struggle to fall asleep at night…

You might know how it feels to verging on completely reliant on caffeine in order to function.

Until you’ve had that first sip of strong coffee in the morning… It’s like you’re functioning in slow motion.

If it wasn’t for your family who you care for so much… Or your career… You sometimes feel like you’d never even get out of bed!

But the fact is, the only reason you’re able to care for your loved ones… Or put in a great performance at work… Is because of the dependency you’ve developed on stimulants.

By fixing your sleep using my ‘Upleveling Your Sleep’ course…

You’ll finally open the door to brand new energy that allows you to be present for your children and husband…

Outshine your previous work performance…

And stop losing valuable time each day being stuck at the bottom of a horrible “energy slump”.

See what I mean by

And that’s just ONE example!

So I collected all my courses…

Plus my live workouts…

Health presentations…

Cheat sheets…

Guest webinars…

And stored them in a single “vault”... Easily accessible for a fraction of the cost it takes to work with me in person.

But that wasn’t enough…

Because taking courses merely gives you information…

I wanted to build a buzzing community of women who embraced the fasting lifestyle and were willing to support and help each other succeed with the lifestyle the human body was designed for.


I wanted to regularly guide this community in a group setting through the fundamentals of a fasting lifestyle… So they had support from hundreds of other women at the same time.

This means no more attempting to burn fat by yourself…

No more struggling with unanswered questions…

No more beating yourself up over stalled weight loss.

This community would provide all the answers, help and support in the most cost-effective way possible.

Ready to discover where I store all my fasting secrets for women just like you?

Allow me to introduce my…

Reset Academy

My Reset Academy is for women who want help and support to successfully live a fasting lifestyle…

As well as being home to a buzzing community of incredible women…

Where my experienced coaches answer your burning questions about fasting, weight loss, or nutrition…

So you get the essential support to ensure embarking on the fasting lifestyle is a smooth and safe process.

My Reset Academy also contains
my “vault” of courses

Including –

  • ‘19-Day Anti-Aging Program’
  • ‘19-Day Boosting Immune System Program’
  • ‘Food & Fasting Fundamentals’
  • ‘Mastering Ketosis’
  • ‘Maximizing Your Muscle’
  • ‘Understanding & Managing Menopause’
  • ‘Upleveling Your Sleep’


You’ll also find every LIVE workout I’ve recorded… To give you extra motivation when you want to tighten your muscles and torch your stomach fat…

And my Saturday morning “Coffee Chats”... Where I share my uncensored thoughts about health, life, mindset, philosophy… And just about anything else on my mind to help you stay on the cutting edge of scientific fat-burning!

Although there are plenty of Coffee Chats and Live workout sessions to catch up on…

As a member of the Reset Academy, you’ll get a weekly invite to all future Live Workout sessions and Coffee Chats… So now you can join all future Saturday mornings in real time…

Can’t wait to see you there!

But that’s not all…

Because there’s another perk
of your Reset Academy membership…

You’ll also get immediate access to ALL my upcoming Resets!

Every 2 months, I host a 1-day fasting Reset to help women better understand the principles of fasting… And how to effortlessly follow the fasting lifestyle.

You’ll join the rest of the Reset Academy community where you’ll have the chance to experiment with 6 of my fasting protocols… While getting guidance and assistance from my incredible coaching team…

And I’ll give you extra coaching with regular live calls!

My Live Resets are a fantastic way to broaden your knowledge of a fasting lifestyle… And get support while you experiment with more advanced fasting protocols…

Many women also report losing stubborn fat they thought would be stuck on their stomachs, hips, and thighs forever!

And now you can too 😊

The ONLY way to join my Resets is to be a member of the Academy.

And when you sign up…

You’ll also receive access to ALL my previous Resets… So you’ll have all the resources to follow one of my body-sculpting fasting plans in your own time!

I could stop right here… Because everything I’ve mentioned makes the Reset Academy incredible value for money

But your membership includes even more.

Because every month I host LIVE and exclusive group teaching calls where I dive deep into fasting concepts to help you squeeze extra juice from this incredible lifestyle!

Plus, I also bring in special guests to host educational webinars to further advance your health and fat loss results.

So far, my guests include –

Dr. Boz

Dives into the secrets of ketones and MCTs, unleashing a healing power that not only transforms your mind but becomes your ally in conquering stubborn belly fat!

Dr. Carrie Jones

Teaches you the secrets to better sleep, manage menopause with ease, and find out if you can still enjoy that glass of wine!

Megan Ramos

Spills the fasting truth, teaching you the secrets to break free from diabetes meds. Say goodbye to the weight-loss struggle and hello to a vibrant, medication-free life.

Sonya Jensen

Supplies the secrets to a balanced diet, from maximizing healthy fats to blessing your food that makes weight loss easier than before.

Dr. Anna Cabeca

Reveals the power of oxytocin. Struggle to love the body you’re in? Watch this webinar immediately!

LeAnn Rimes

Ready to push past the hurdles holding you back? LeAnn shares her journey of unveiling hidden roadblocks to rediscovering self-love and stress mastery.

And yes… You get access to all recordings of these webinars included in your membership!

“Ok… Surely that’s EVERYTHING
included in the Reset Academy?”


Because I’ve also packed in a ton of resources to help you improve your health further, including –

  • Protocols for specific conditions… Including cold & flu, gout, hemorrhoids, and more
  • Neurotoxic questionnaire… Uncover potential health-sapping toxins making you feel a bad case of the blues
  • How to interpret your blood sugar and ketones while fasting… CRITICAL numbers that provide you with real-time feedback about your fasting… And how to use these numbers to adapt your fasting for maximum fat loss
  • 24 x downloadable “cheat sheets”... Make fasting as easy as possible with my ‘eating charts’, ‘blood glucose & ketone tracker’, ‘hormone building foods’... And tons more… Just print these out and have them on standby for when you need a quick refresher!
  • Research links… Discover the source where I gain my fasting knowledge!

Now, I really should stop there…

But there’s one final part of the Reset Academy
I’ve not yet mentioned…

The extensive recipe library.

Because isn’t frustrating as hell when you’re starving hungry… But don’t know what to eat?

So I created a library containing my –

  • Summer BBQ Recipe eBook
  • Holiday Feasting eBook
  • Thanksgiving Recipe eBook
  • The Reset Factor Cookbook

Plus, I’ve even uploaded a fascinating 2-hour cooking class from Dr. Bill Schindler… Where he reveals how to make a delicious Fermented Sourdough Pizza! 😋


I also share a further 27 delicious recipes you can easily make at home to help improve your gut health, immune health… Or to simply enjoy on your “feasting days”...

Like my mouthwatering blueberry muffins…

Devine “Get Your Dark Chocolate On” Coco-Roons…

Or my delectable pumpkin pie your whole family will love!

The Reset Academy is like
getting a college degree in the fasting lifestyle

But unlike college… The Reset Academy doesn’t come with a hefty price tag.

Gaining a degree in nutrition from a prestigious university would set you back $10,000+ a year.

But don’t worry… Because my Reset Academy is a fraction of that cost!

And unlike university which only teaches you theory… And hardly any practical education…

In my Reset Academy, you’ll receive coaching to ensure your fasting lifestyle is properly designed for your unique body.

And just in case you were wondering…

I continuously update the content… So you’ll continue to stay up to date with fasting and weight loss research.

Considering the sheer volume of help and support you’d receive…

A fair price to join the Reset Academy would be $2,000/year.

But I’m aware that’s still a heavily restrictive cost…

And by charging such an exorbitant membership fee… Plenty of women wouldn’t be able to join… And would be left feeling stuck and confused.

That doesn’t sit right with me.

I got into the coaching to help women…
Not to make money

And if charging the real value of the Reset Academy means leaving women stranded… I don’t want to charge that much.


I want the Reset Academy to be as accessible as possible…

And that’s why I settled on the low price of just $200/month.

However, after chatting with my team…

We realized there was so much content, most women would take several months to work through it all.

So we decided to reduce the price even further
for women who committed to a full year in the Academy

So if you sign up today for a full year… You only need to invest $600.

That works out at just $50 a month…

And saves you 75% compared to the Pay Monthly option.

Think about it…

For LESS than the cost of a meal out every month…

You can get your hands on the world’s most extensive “vault” of fasting resources to help you unlock brand new health…

Burn off the annoying pounds from your tummy…

Look years younger by uncovering the secrets to reversing aging…

Sleep deeper every single night so you wake up with youthful energy and can take better care of your loved ones…

All while sharing your experiences and receiving support from an amazing community of women all on the same path.

I WISH I’d had access to the Reset Academy
when I first started fasting

Access to all the resources, coaching, and community would have stopped me from “tearing my hair out” moments…

And I’m confident I’d have reached my health goals in half the time.

Ready to discover how to make a fasting lifestyle work for you?

Hit the button below, select ‘Pay Monthly’ or ‘Pay Yearly’ on the checkout page, and join today –

Yes I Want to Join the Academy Now!

“Will The Reset Academy
Really Help Me Lose Weight?

This is the most common question on the lips of women interested in joining my Reset Academy.

After having so many different weight loss plans in the past… I’m not surprised these poor souls are skeptical.

However… Instead of telling you about the results you could achieve from being a member of the Reset Academy…

Let me SHOW you some of the head-spinning transformations from other members:

This has been an amazing experience and I have learned SO MUCH! Not just about eating, but Self Care, Mental preparedness, and balanced, healthy Living! I have been searching for answers since childhood and nothing has done as much as this program to help me lose weight and reduce my blood sugar.

Pat A.

I've lost 10 lbs so far and I'm looking to lose more before we feast. Love Ketobiotic and Autophagy fasting!

Sue S.

I did the Reset with what I thought was great success… 7lbs weight loss and got my ketones >5. This time? I've lost over 16lbs, got my glucose under 54, and ketones up to 5.9. I must say, my body transformed after 3 days of no animal products. I did NOT know that I could feel this good!

Kathleen E.

And they aren’t the only women to have enjoyed mind-blowing weight loss from following the principles in the Reset Academy…

In fact, every week I hear heartwarming stories about how a fasting lifestyle has helped women feel more “themselves”...

Boost their self-confidence…

Reconnect with their partner…

And it’s all thanks to reclaiming their health directly from fasting… Which would have been virtually impossible without the Reset Academy’s rock-solid support and guidance.

So if you’re ready to join the 2,709 women making leaps and bounds in their fasting lifestyle…

Sign up today by hitting the button below:

Yes I Want to Join the Academy Now!

Here’s Why You SHOULDN’T
Join The Reset Academy

The Reset Academy is ideal if you’re sick and tired of failing on other weight loss plans.

The Reset Academy is also great if you’ve never used a weight loss plan… But you’re 100% committed to following my fasting principles.


If you’re someone who’s signed up to weight loss coaching programs in the past… But never put a single step into action…

Then the Reset Academy isn’t for you at the moment.


Because I can only help action-takers.

If you know you’re going to sign up… And not spend a single second committing to a fasting lifestyle… I’d advise holding off until you’re ready.

Maybe do some self-study and try fasting on your own for a short while… Then come back to the Reset Academy once you’ve gained some experience… I promise I’ll welcome you with open arms!

But if you’re ready to join right now and experience the fat-melting benefits of the fasting lifestyle…

Sign up today –

Yes I Want to Join the Academy Now!

Pregnant? Eating Disorder? Health Condition?

Although you’re free to join my Reset Academy right now…

I don’t recommend fasting if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

I also don't recommend anyone with a serious chronic disease partake in the fast without the support of their primary physician.

Finally, if you have an eating disorder, you should be guided by the support of your therapist.

Of course, you’re still free to join the Reset Academy, participate in the community, and start a fasting protocol at a later date…

Because the training and courses will give you a greater understanding of your hormones…

And show you the lifestyle you need to embrace for your body to thrive.

But if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or have been diagnosed with a medical condition…

Please don’t commit to a fasting lifestyle just yet.

Try The Reset Academy For

Let me prove how the Reset Academy can help take the brakes off your fat loss… And confidently live your best life.

If you sign up with the ‘Pay Yearly’ option… You can cancel your membership at any time in the first 7 days and receive a full 100% no-questions-asked refund.

I’m so confident you’re going to LOVE how your mind and body feel on the fasting lifestyle…

I’m happy to give you this -week “trial period” at the start of your membership!

What about the
‘Pay Monthly’ option?

If you join the Reset Academy’s ‘Pay Monthly’ option and decide the fasting lifestyle isn’t for you…

Simply email my support team and say you’d like to cancel.

Your membership will be canceled immediately.

Although you won’t receive a refund on the month you’ve paid… No more payments will be taken from your account and you’re free to enjoy all the content from your remaining month!

Want To “Think About It”? Read THIS…

I completely understand if you’ve read this entire page and now want to “think about it” before committing to a decision.

Now some women who go away to “think about it” decide they don’t need help following the fasting lifestyle…

Or support from a thriving community of women…

Or access to hundreds of hours of training and courses…

And that’s awesome.

Believe me…

I hear nearly every day from women who’ve tried and failed using the solo approach…

So I applaud any woman who has the strength and courage to tackle a fasting lifestyle by herself!

Now if you still want to “think about it”...

Here’s what many Reset Academy members who went away to “think about it” all say immediately after signing up –

“I wish I’d signed up sooner!”

Some of these women openly admit they wasted several months wrestling with a fasting lifestyle and all by themselves…

Without help…

Without support…

Without understanding the impact fasting has on female hormones.

Ultimately, these women unnecessarily spent another few months tired and frustrated with their bodies…

And suffering more failure from using an approach that didn’t work.

But as soon as
they joined the Reset Academy…

The veil lifted from over their eyes…

They could finally see their mistakes… And discovered how to resolve these issues almost immediately!

End result?

No more frustration…

No more stress…

No more self-doubt and feeling like a failure.

As brand new members of the Reset Academy… They could finally enjoy reaping the benefits of a fasting lifestyle that unlocked more energy, refreshing sleep, and a slimmer waistline.

 So let me
ask you a question…

Do you still need to “think about it”?

If you’ve already decided you want to stop screaming in frustration every time you look in the mirror… And want world-class help on a fasting lifestyle…

And desperately want to avoid kicking yourself in 2 months’ time because you didn’t seize this life-changing opportunity while you had the chance…

Act quickly to start getting the results you’ve craved.

Yes I Want to Join the Academy Now!

As a final reminder, here’s what you get when you sign up –

  • My complete “vault” of training courses… Sleep deeper, strengthen your immune system, and slow down the aging process with my in-depth courses designed to make your body fire on all cylinders
  • ALL of my previous (and FUTURE) Saturday morning LIVE workouts… Never run out of muscle-shaping workout ideas to burn fat and tone your body… Plus relax afterward and stay on the frontline of cutting-edge fasting research with my group “Coffee Chats”!
  • Access to all my upcoming Resets… Never miss another live Reset where you can follow the fasting lifestyle with hundreds of other women in the Academy…
  • Guest speaker webinars… The Reset Academy is the ONLY place to watch this growing set of training videos from experts like Gavin Poulton, Paige Walsh, and Andrea Seibert
  • Complete stack of health-boosting resources… Use these resources to make sticking to the fasting lifestyle as easy as possible… And ensure you melt every last ounce of your stubborn fat!
  • Exclusive recipe library… Overflowing with mouth-watering ideas for maintaining a high-nutrient intake to keep your energy, health, and fat-burning cranked up to maximum

The Reset Academy is a complete resource to help you
rebalance your hormones safely, naturally, and effectively

You can finally start waving goodbye to the symptoms that have tormented you over the years –

Explosive and unexpected mood swings that lead to blood-boiling arguments between you and your partner…

Splitting headaches that last all day causing heavy disruption to your focus and attention…

“Brain fog” that makes your head feel heavy and fuzzy and near impossible to concentrate…

Severe energy crashes that leave you virtually incapable of holding your eyes open…

And body fat that robs you of your self-confidence both in and out of your clothes.

Yes, this is exactly what Reset Academy
members have experienced

And by signing up, you’ll also have the help you need to enjoy a brand new lease of life…

Take better care of your family by having more energy…

Fall asleep quicker and stay in a deep slumber until morning time…

And build a stronger relationship with your partner by feeling more positive and self-confident about your body.

The courses, content, and community are currently waiting for you inside the Reset Academy…

And I am so excited about helping you transform your life with this incredible lifestyle.

All you have to do is hit the button below and join today –

Yes I Want to Join the Academy Now!